Zante Info For Rocky

Iperagathos MTB trail
Amazing ride through a plateau with mixed forest and agricultural landscape. Suitable for MTB enthusiasts

Makris Gialos Beach
A quite beach with steep rocks all around, pebbles, small caves and cool turquoise water.

Marathias Plates
If you want to feel a little bohemian you should pay a visit to the Marathia plates.

Mikro Nisi Beach
Surrounded by the deep, blue sea and an interwoven coastline there is a beautiful small cape on which you will find 'mikro nisi'.
Plakaki Cape
Here you will want to dive into the sea several times and if you stay late you will enjoy a beautiful sunset.

Porto Roxa
Prepare yourself for a swim in the cold waters of the beautiful, wild, rugged, natural fiord that is Porto Roxa!
Southwest MTB trail
If you are a cycling enthusiast, you will admire the fantastic sea view, while enjoying the ride through the island's beautiful trails.