
Kayaking route from Kalamaki

Kayaking route from Kalamaki

Enjoy and take in the natural beauty that surrounds you on this four hour kayaking route.

Kayaking route from Keri to Marathonisi

Kayaking route from Keri to Marathonisi

An alternative way to get to Marathonisi, a nesting area of the Caretta Caretta.

Kayaking route from Keri to Mizithres

Kayaking route from Keri to Mizithres

An opportunity to view the mountainous steep slopes of Zakynthos from the crystal blue waters of the Keri peninsula.

Krioneri's walking route Krioneri

Krioneri's walking route Krioneri

A wonderful route to take for a stroll

Louchas Path

Louchas Path

Stone path in the village Louha

Medieval Olive trees

Medieval Olive trees

Ideal for a Walking Tour

Route, Abbey of Ioannis the Precursor - Potamaki - Xsigia

Route, Abbey of Ioannis the Precursor - Potamaki - Xsigia

A nice walk in the North of Zakynthos

Scenic path of Bohali Fortress

Scenic path of Bohali Fortress

Old Venetian street that connects the town of Zakynthos with the Venetian fortress

Trekking route in Eksohora - Zizou - Kampi

Trekking route in Eksohora - Zizou - Kampi

Trekking on Zakynthos' mountain

Trekking route in Volimes - Lighthouse

Trekking route in Volimes - Lighthouse

A medium to difficult route of 6,5km

Walking route to Akrotiri

Walking route to Akrotiri

A scenic walk from Tsilivi to Akrotiri