Kayaking route from Kalamaki

Kayaking route from Kalamaki

Enjoy and take in the natural beauty that surrounds you on this four hour kayaking route.

Kayaking route from Kalamaki

Start from Kalamaki beach and row in a south easterly direction.
When passing Vrontonero beach you will pass under an old quarry where you can still see the remains of the tracks that once carried the vans which transported the plaster from the quarry to boats. Just before you reach Sekania try to find the entrance to Sekania cave, it is almost hidden behind some rocks. The cave really is remarkable, unfortunately access to the cave is a little difficult but there are some ropes to help you enter. The interior of the cave is dreamlike, after you cross an opening of about 50 meters you will enter a dome which has a height of about 20 meters, deep in the cave there is a small pond and waterfall, all of this you can see as the roof has a hole that of which light passes through. Now continue on to Sekania, from Kalamaki to Sekania it should take you about an hour and a half. From Sekania continue on to Dafni. This should take you about an hour and here you can take a break to rest, swim, and snorkel and discover the wonderful underwater world. You can also row to the island Pelouzo (about half an hour from Dafni) and explore the the coastal area but you can't actually go on the island. From Dafni continue on to the beautiful bay of Gerakas, which takes about another 45 minutes. Once you have arrived here you can again take a break to enjoy some swimming to cool off or even do some snorkeling and say hello to the fish!!