Kayaking route from Keri to Mizithres

Kayaking route from Keri to Mizithres

An opportunity to view the mountainous steep slopes of Zakynthos from the crystal blue waters of the Keri peninsula.

Kayaking route from Keri to Mizithres

On this route from Keri to Mizithres you will see a different side of Zakynthos, you will not pass by alot of beaches but instead you will see mountainous steep slopes and the waters here are wilder so do check the weather forecast before setting off,  once you reach Mizithres - which are infact two huge rocks that emerge from the crystal blue waters of the Keri peninsula you will also find two small secluded beaches, one either side of Mizithres. To return back to Keri you take the same route in which you came.

We suggest you allow yourself three hours for the round trip and this route is not recommended for beginners as you will find at somepoint due to the mountainous landscape you will not have where to stop if you are tired.

To view the route go to the top of page on click on `view on map` - you will find the route highlighted in blue.