Zante Info For Anafonitria



Anafonitria is a small dreamy village in the north of Zakynthos.

Porto Vromi

Porto Vromi

The scenery here is magnificent where the sea enters the bay surrounded by rocks.

Saint George Monastery

Saint George Monastery

Saint Georges Monastery is located in the area Gremnon, well known for its natural wild beauty.

The Monastery of The Virgin Anafonitria

The Monastery of The Virgin Anafonitria

While walking through the grounds with its beautiful stone buildings and gardens abundant with flowers you will feel a sense of calmness overcome you.

The Shipwreck

The Shipwreck

And finally you have arrived at the 'Shipwreck'! All you have been told, all you have heard and all you have seen on postcards does not do this beach justice!



Volimes is the 'capital' of the villages in the mountainous region of the island!

Walking and Cycling

Walking and Cycling

Over the course of your holidays don't miss the paths and trails that the island has to offer.